Our trip to Nicaragua started on Friday afternoon and we made it to Managua at 10:30pm. We stayed overnight in Managua at Camino Real (very nice) and then started our day of adventure with Julio Tours at 9am. We were unable to see the Mesaya volcano in July when we were here, so we were very excited for the experience as it was our first stop. We toured the museum at the base of the volcano and then drove to the top. We experienced the sulfur fumes a little at the top and then went to explore the Mesaya cave. That was an experience as we walked about 3 blocks into the darkness. Then we drove to Mesaya market, and then to Granada to make chocolate at the Chocolate Museum. Then onto Leon and we were welcomed with fireworks!
Day 1
There was a little apprehension and excitement for our first day of training Module #2: Classroom Management. This was our first experience teaching while having an interpreter, so it was difficult to imagine how the flow of the information would go! Additionally, understanding that Kris and Julie had already made an impression on the students, we really weren't sure what to expect from them! I can definitely say we were pleasantly surprised! We started off Monday morning at 8:00 with 11 students, but by 8:30 we had 22 students! Our goal was at least 20, so that was good! Then we discussed the requirements of the Diplomato. The students appreciated that information as most of them just knew to be involved they had to have a degree in Education, but no other requirements.
Then the morning consisted of generating "classroom rules" for our classroom and making sure they were explicit enough that they could abide by. The rules are displayed at the front of the classroom. One procedure that was implemented on Tuesday and Wednesday morning (and at times throughout the day, as necessary) was to review the rules as a way demonstrate modeling that when rules are not being followed, they must be revisited. This has been a learning process for all!
Setting expectations was also addressed and we related expectations to the students' objectives in their unit plans. A good way to connect the two modules and students appreciated the examination of their lesson plans!
Approximately 3:15pm, Day 1 was completed and it was a successful day of engagement and learning!
Day 2
Following the first session, Mitzi and I debriefed and began planning for Day 2, but rearranging the classroom environment to match the needs of our content, which was teaching that effective room arrangement is a part of behavior management.

We had them draw a digram of their individual classrooms, then provide specific content about the impact of room arrangement (the 4 M's) and then they revisited their original diagram and made modifications. A great way to apply the information to their own environments!
While discussing ABC analysis, we could see the
wheels turning as they made connections to their reactions to disruptive behavior in their classrooms. Realizing how important it is to begin paying attention to the antecedents of the behavior because behavior is contextual!
Day 3
The topics of the day were Positive Reinforcement and beginning to understand Token Economy. Demonstration of functions of behaviors and positive reinforcement allowed them to examine the concepts while acting out scenarios. This was great!
Most of the students were familiar with the term positive reinforcement, but unfamiliar to Token Economy. They have received positive reinforcement with a variety of candy and stickers on Day 1 and 2! One aspect that really sticks out to us....defining a target behavior. This was a difficult task for the students. We want to tell students what and how we would like their behavior to look like in the classroom. A volunteer to define your target behavior? Student A "I want my students to pay attention." Our response back "Can I observe paying attention? Is paying attention mean the same to Martha as to Maria?" Ohhhhhhhhhh I have to say the behavior! Like eye contact, asking questions. Si.....
We are still working on this concept!! It is a work in progress.
It has been a very productive, engaging and eye-opening first three days.....
Beth and Mitzi